International Program, planowany w dniach 4 maja – 26 czerwca br., odwołany!

Dear Madam, Dear Sir, due to the presence of COVID-19 on the national territory and the current government recommendations for international gatherings in France in order to apply a precautionary principle which aims to limit the virus circulation, the Paris Bar has decided with regret to cancel for this year the International Program, training program for English-speaking lawyers, which was supposed to be held in Paris from May 4thto June 26th2020. The candidates have already been notified, we will be more than happy to receive their application for the International program2021.
It is the very first time the Paris Bar has to cancel the program but it seems to be the most reasonable option today. Beyond the application of a precautionary principle for our participants from around the world, we don’t want to impose a personal financial commitment on the part of our candidates (airline tickets and accommodation) without any visibility of the measures in the coming weeks.
Please note that the Stage International (for French speaking lawyers) is still planned from October 5thto November 27th2020.French speaking lawyers can adress their application to Aurore Legrand (